Sandy Travis and her mini aussie

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In 1962, Ms. Sandy Travis, of Norco, CA, acquired a very small, unregistered bitch - Travis Puppy, of rough Australian Shepherd type. This bitch was bred to an unregistered Australian Shepherd and whelped her first litter in 1968.

For many years Ms. Travis interbred these unregistered dogs, without any specific intent of beginning a new breed. She liked their diminutive size, coupled with their active character and intelligence, and that was reason enough. Still, these dogs are acknowledged to be the foundation of the MAS.

Travis' Puppy

Below is Travis' Puppy and her with her first litter born in 1968.

In 1978 Doris Cordova purchased from Sandy blue merle male - Spike (Travis' Stimi х Travis' Shady). In 1980 Doris was able to get Spike registered as the first Miniature Australian Shepherd of record National Stock Dog Registry (NSDR).

Sandy Travis with her mini aussies

Sandy Travis with her mini aussies. Left to right:
Travis' MS. Squeek, Travis' Boob, Travis' Puppy, Travis' Trampus
Photo by Sandy Travis (1977-1978)

Sandy Travis   Hi, I'm Sandy Travis founder of the "Travis Dogs" and I would like to tell you the history of these dogs:

"In 1962, I was almost 16 years old and I bought a Australian Shepherd puppy from a friend of mine at the Torrance Rodeo. I knew this puppy's parents and was anxious to get her to someday breed to my Aussie male. I soon realized this wasn't going to happen as she "Puppy" only grew to be approx. 11".

Sandy Travis with her aussies

Sandy Travis with her aussies:
Travis' Boob, Travis' MS. Squeek и Travis' Shady
Photo by Sandy Travis

In 1968, I found a small Aussie male and I bred Puppy to him. The whole litter stayed small, 9" to 13". Realizing their popularity, I talked with a Vet and he advised me to "inbreed, line breed and cull", so I did and overall I was very happy with the small size and conformation.

Although I never asked if "Puppy's" parents were registered, nor did I ask if the male I bred her to was registered, at that time in my life it wasn't important to me to have a registered dog, but I did care that they were in fact Australian Shepherds.

The general public that would see these little dogs immediately called them Miniature Aussies or Aussie puppies. It wasn't until years later that the Mini Clubs were formed that the two sizes were introduced, the Toy and the Miniature. Under those guide lines, almost all of my dogs were Toys.

Hope I have enlightened you somewhat on the true history of the Travis Dogs."

Photo by Sandy Travis

Sandy's children - Starr & Cody and minis:
Travis' Boob, Travis' MS. Squeek und Travis' Puppy
Photo by Sandy Travis