
Blue Elks for Status Imperial

black tricolor
docked tail
height 38 cm
weight 8 kg

    Eyes - normal - ECVO 2021 - clear
    Hips/Elbows/Patellas - no data
    Genetic tests - full panel clear - PRA, CEA, HSF4, MDR1, DM2, HUU, NCL6, CDDY-IVDD, CDPA

PRA+/+, CEA+/+, HSF4+/+, MDR1+/+, DM2+/+,
HUU+/+, NCL6+/+, CDDY+/+, CDPA+/+

Blue Elks for Status ImperialBlue Elks for Status Imperial
Blue Elks for Status Imperial
Blue Elks for Status ImperialBlue Elks for Status Imperial
Blue Elks for Status Imperial
Blue Elks for Status Imperial

Если вам по фото кажется, что наша Элли - милота, ангелочек и душка, поверьте, это не так. Эля - фурия, ураган, фонтан эмоций, миллион движений в минуту. Она компанейская, бесстрашная, активная и непоседливая. В возрасте всего 2-х месяцев Эля совершила перелет длинной 9000 километров с одного полушария Земли на другое, сменив место жительства с пустынного Колорадо на снежную Россию. Такая сложная и долгая дорога, смена температур и часовых поясов, другой язык и новые люди вокруг - абсолютно не смутили юную путешественницу и она гордо вышла из бокса, как будто ничего этого и не было.

Blue Elks for Status Imperial

If from the photo it seems to you that our Ellie is a cutie, an angel and a darling, believe me, this is not so. Ellie is a fury hurricane, a fountain of emotions, a million movements per minute. She is outgoing, fearless, active and restless. At the age of only 2 months, Elya made a 9000-kilometer flight from one hemisphere of the Earth to another, changing her place of residence from desert Colorado to snowy Russia. Such a difficult and long road, a change in temperatures and time zones, a different language and new people around - did not bother the young traveler at all and she proudly left the box, as if none of this had happened. Elya and Ace live together with our co-owner Catherine.

Champion Titles

  • Belorussian Champion
  • Junior Russian Champion
  • Junior Champion RKF
  • Junior Belorussian Champion

Show Results

  • 2 х BIS Puppy
  • Supreme BIS Puppy - 3
  • Supreme BIS Puppy - 4
  • 2хBest Of Opposite Sex
  • 2хBest Puppy Breed

Working Tests

Behavior test:
T-1 (breeding approval received)


~ no litters yet ~


To learn more about each parent, click on the photo or home name.

Blue Elks Diggin Up Bones
Blue Elks Diggin Up Bones

HD-A, ED-0, PL 0/0
PRA+/+, CEA+/+, HSF4+/+, MDR1+/+, DM2+/+
HUU+/+, NCL6+/+, CDDY+/+, CDPA+/+

Blue Elks Home Sweet Home
Blue Elks Home Sweet Home

HD-A, ED-0, PL 0/0, PRA+/+, CEA+/+,
HSF+/+, MDR+/+, DM+/+, HUU+/+, NCL+/+

February 2021
Photoshoot in the studio.
February 2021
Winter in Russia.
January 2021
At his home in Colorado USA.
Look Photo Album

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